W. Brent Seales, James Griffioen, and Kevin Kiernan. "The Digital Atheneum - Restoring Damaged Manuscripts." RLG DigiNews 3:6 (15 December 1999).
W. Brent Seales, James Griffioen, Kevin Kiernan, C. J. Yuan, and Linda Cantara. "The Digital Atheneum: New Technologies for Restoring and Preserving Old Documents." Computers in Libraries 20:2 (February 2000), 26-30.
Michael S. Brown and W. Brent Seales. "Beyond 2D Images: Effective 3D Imaging for Library Materials." Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Digital Libraries. June 2000: 27-36.
Michael S. Brown, W. Brent Seales, Kevin Kiernan, and James Griffioen. "3D Acquisition and Restoration of Medieval Manuscripts." Communications of the ACM. Special Issue on Digital Libraries. May 2001.
Michael S. Brown and W. Brent Seales. "The Digital Atheneum: New Approaches for Preserving, Restoring and Analyzing Damaged Manuscripts." Proceedings of the First ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2001. (NY: ACM Press, 2001), 437-443.
Cheng Jiun Yuan and W. Brent Seales. "Guided Linking: Efficiently Making Image-to-Transcript Correspondence." Proceedings of the First ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Roanoke, Virginia, 2001. (New York: ACM Press, 2001), 471.
Kevin Kiernan, W. Brent Seales, and James Griffioen. "The Reappearances of St. Basil the Great in British Library MS Cotton Otho B. x," Computers and the Humanities 36:1 (February 2002), 7-26.
Kevin Kiernan. "Creating Electronic Editions from Medieval Manuscripts." Forthcoming in Digital Preservation of Medieval Manuscripts and Early Printed Books (The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). Milena Dobreva, Serguey Ivanov, Seamus Ross, and Kevin Kiernan, eds.
Kevin Kiernan, Charles Rhyne, and Ron Spronk. "Digital Imagery for Works of Art: Report of the Co-Chairs." Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts. November 19-20, 2001.
Kevin Kiernan. "Odd Couples in Ælfric's Julian and Basilissa in British Library Cotton MS Otho B. x." Forthcoming in Beatus vir: Studies in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Manuscripts in Memory of Phillip Pulsiano. Kirsten Wolf and A.N. Doane, eds.
Michael S. Brown. "New Techniques and Algorithms for Acquiring, Restoring, and Displaying Digital Collections." PhD Dissertation. UK Department of Computer Science. 2001. Director, Brent Seales.
Cheng Jiun Yuan. "Extensible Tools for Building and Using Digital Library Collections." PhD Dissertation. UK Department of Computer Science. 2002. Director, Brent Seales.
Linda Cantara. "St. Mary of Egypt in BL MS Cotton Otho B. x: New Textual Evidence for an Old English Saint's Life." MA Thesis. UK Department of English. 2001 (pdf). Master Thesis Award for the Humanities and Arts Division, Council on Southern Graduate Schools, 2003. Director, Kevin Kiernan.
Kevin S. Kiernan. "Getting and Spending Digital Resources in the Humanities." Invited Keynote Address. Digital Resources in the Humanities (DRH99). King's College London. 12 September 1999.
W. Brent Seales, James Griffioen, and Kevin Kiernan. "The Digital Atheneum: New techniques for restoring, searching, and editing humanities collections." Digital Libraries Initiative All-Projects Meeting. Cornell University. 17-19 October 1999.
Kevin S. Kiernan, Organizer and Presider. The Digital Atheneum: New Techniques for Restoring, Searching, and Editing Humanities Collections. 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 5 May 2000.
Fred Mintzer (Image Library Applications, IBM Research Center). "Image Processing for the Creation of Digital Manuscript Collections."
Demorah Hayes (PhD student, English, University of Kentucky). "Building Electronic Editions of Badly Damaged Manuscripts."
Cheng Jiun Yuan (PhD student, Computer Science, University of Kentucky). "A Generic Toolkit for Electronic Editions of Medieval Manuscripts." (ppt)
W. Brent Seales, James Griffioen, and Kevin Kiernan. "The Digital Atheneum: New techniques for restoring, searching, and editing humanities collections." (ppt) DLI 2 All-Projects Meeting. Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, UK. 12 June 2000.
Kevin Kiernan. "Creating Electronic Editions from Medieval Manuscripts." (ppt) Presented at the International Foundation of St. Cyril and St. Methodius in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 1 August 2000, at the invitation of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Kevin Kiernan. "Electronic Editions of Damaged Manuscripts." Special Session on "Whose Standards? MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions." Convention of the Modern Language Association. Washington, D.C. December 2000.
Jocelyn Taylor. "Creating a Glossary for a Damaged Old English Manuscript." Kevin Kiernan, Faculty Sponsor, Digital Atheneum Project. National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Lexington, Kentucky. March 2001.
Kevin Kiernan. "The Digital Atheneum and Editors' Tools." University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 25 May 2001.
Michael S. Brown and W. Brent Seales. "3D Imaging of Humanities Texts." Joint International Conference of the Association for Computers and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ACH/ALLC). June 2001.
Michael S. Brown and W. Brent Seales. "Document Restoration using 3D Shape." International Conference on Computer Vision. July 2001.
Michael S. Brown and W. Brent Seales. "Digital Atheneum: New Approaches for Preserving, Restoring, and Analyzing Damaged Manuscripts." IEEE and ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. June 2001. [nominated for "best paper" award]
W. Brent Seales, James Griffioen, and Kevin Kiernan. "The Digital Atheneum: New techniques for restoring, searching, and editing humanities collections." Digital Libraries Initiative All-Projects Meeting. Roanoke, Virgina. 27-28 June 2001.
Demorah Hayes. "Glossing Damaged Manuscripts: an Example from Ælfric's Lives of Saints." Digital Resources for the Humanities (DRH01). University of London, London, UK. 10 July 2001.
Kevin Kiernan. "Creating Electronic Glossaries from Digitized Manuscripts." International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE). Bamberg, Germany. 31 July 2001.
Kevin Kiernan. "Collaboration and the Need for Useful and Useable Interfaces." Workshop on Digital Imagery for Works of Art. Co-chaired by Kevin Kiernan, Ron Spronk, and Charles Rhyne, and sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Science Foundation. Harvard University. 18-19 November 2001.
Kevin Kiernan. "Significant Electronic Access to Damaged Manuscripts." DELOS-NSF Working Group on "Digital Imagery for Significant Cultural and Historical Materials." 28-29 January 2002. Florence, Italy.
Linda Cantara and Kevin Kiernan. "Images, Interfaces, and Infrastructures." European Commission/National Science Foundation Digital Libraries All Projects Meeting. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Rome, Italy. 25-26 March 2002.
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